Postoperative management

First day - first night after PRK

The first 12 to 24 hours may be a little uncomfortable for you. The abnormal sensations or pain in the treated eye show strong individual fluctuations. They are caused by the UV light of the laser and can be compared to sunburn or the "flashing" of the eyes after welding. You will be given some medication to alleviate the symptoms. Because of the sensitivity to light, it is best to go home right away and leave both eyes closed as much as possible. A little reading and watching TV are allowed. Do not drive as long as you are taking painkillers.

Wear sunglasses outdoors if possible. No water should come into the eye when taking a shower. If the contact lens falls out, please call us directly. Do not reinsert the contact lens - continue to use your eye drops. The superficial corneal layer, the epithelium, heals during the first 48 to 72 hours, which is why you will still see very blurred and feel a foreign body sensation during this time. All this is normal and disappears after a few days. The contact lens is removed during a check-up.

The first follow-up takes place the following day in our clinic. After approximately one week and after one month you will come to the follow-up examination, the final examination takes place after two to three months. Of course, your ophthalmologist can also do the follow-up examinations. You will receive a letter with all the details of the procedure for him / her to consider.

Your visual acuity will initially improve only slowly and you will be able to do your usual things again after about three to four days. The depth of field and binocular vision will initially be severely impaired. The same applies to near vision. It is important to know that each person has their own healing phase - please be patient.

Beratung Dr. Stephan Münnich

Postoperative Management: PRK

Laser Clinic

Partensteiner Str. 6
97816 Lohr am Main
0 93 52/ 60 214 20

Domstr. 1
97070 Würzburg
09 31/ 32 930 930

Ophthalmic practices

Partensteiner Str. 6
97816 Lohr am Main
0 93 52/ 60 214 10

Domstr. 1
97070 Würzburg
09 31/ 32 930 939

Luitpoldstr. 31
97828 Marktheidenfeld
0 93 52/ 60 214 10

Gemündener Str. 15-17
97753 Karlstadt
0 93 52/ 60 214 10

Berliner Str. 21a
97762 Hammelburg
0 97 32 - 43 31

Surgical centers

Partensteiner Str. 6
97816 Lohr am Main
0 93 52/ 60 214 12

Domstr. 1
97070 Würzburg
09 31/ 32 930 939

Regional partial professional association
Hauptstr. 21
63897 Miltenberg
0 93 52 / 60 214 12

Regional partial professional association
Dr.-Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 37
74722 Buchen
0 93 52/ 60 214 12