LASIK experience for over 25 years

It started with PRK

Refractive Laser Correction started in 1990 with Photorefractive Keratectomy, abbreviated as PRK. In a surgical procedure using an Excimerlaser the surface of the central cornea is being altered to a flattened shape for people who are myopic and a more curved surface for people who are hyperopic.

Since 1993, LASIK has been the most widely used method for correcting ametropia. The combination of microsurgical incision technique and tissue evaporation by the excimer laser achieves particularly fast and accurate results.

Who is a good LASIK candidate?

We perform the full range of treatment procedures. So, during your initial examination, we will talk to you, obtain measurements of your eyes, and determine which procedure is the best for your specific situation:

LASIK is often one of our procedure of choice. Patients prefer the laser surgery procedures in terms of quick vision recovery and decreased pain. The vision recovery is rapid that most of our patients return to their normal day-to-day routine the very next days.

SMILE represented the latest generation of corneal laser procedures. In a SMILE treatment, a lenticle and a small 3.5 mm incision are created in the intact cornea. The upper corneal layers remain virtually intact and there is less risk of severed nerves. This ensures greater protection of biomechanical stability and a lower incidence of dry eye. The range of application here is: Myopia up to about -8.0 dpt and astigmatism up to about 4.5 dpt. Existing farsightedness cannot yet be surgically corrected with SMILE.

The Visian ICL is an additional lens that is placed in front of the natural lens.  The implantation of a multifocal lens is a safe and precise procedure for the correction of presbyopia. Basically, the natural lens of the eye is replaced (RLE) with an artificial lens.

This table shows the general application areas of the various operation methods. We determine which procedure is actually suitable for you through intensive preliminary examinations:

general application areas of the various operation methods (Augen-Laser-Klinik Lohr)


Since a surgeon can correct nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism, many people who currently wear glasses and/or contact lenses do qualify. Here are a few guidelines:

- You must be at least 18 years of age. Growth spurts can change the way children see, so it is best to wait until they reach adulthood.

- It is helpful to have a stable prescription so that the best-corrected vision can be achieved for you with your LASIK or SMILE procedure.

- Reading glasses are NOT correctable by any form of laser vision correction at this time. Technology is working on this aspect, but it may not be available for a few more years.

Choosing the right doctor for laser vision correction

There is no such thing as emergency laser vision correction, so take your time until you feel comfortable with your doctor and the information that you've received. Finding someone to trust is an important decision. You should be able to meet your surgeon before your procedure and ask him or her any questions you have.

Corneal laser surgery is a difficult procedure in which complications decrease with increased experience. For this reason, some authorities believe you should insist upon a surgeon who has performed at least 1,000 LASIK procedures or more.

Your doctor should do everything possible to make you feel comfortable with your decision and reassure you about any discomfort or other concerns you might have. In particular, you should have had the opportunity to discuss your concerns about side-effects and complications to your full satisfaction.

Do not choose a surgeon who claims to be able to guarantee any sort of surgical result or freedom from any potential problems. While most patients are delighted with their procedures, no one can honestly guarantee results. You should also feel confident that if your first treatment does not give you the results that you're seeking, your surgeon will provide another procedure to fine-tune your vision further, if desired.


Since you are reading this web page, you are already well on your way. If you have any questions, look at the FAQ section or call us directly. If you think that one type of treatment is for you, call us for an appointment. The preoperative eye exam is very comprehensive and will take about two and a half hours. It is one of the most scrutinizing eye exams, specifically to determine your chances for success. The eye exam consists of a thorough evaluation and analysis of your eyes and your visual system.

The Eye Exam

You will receive dilating drops to measure the degree of your refractive error. Among many others, the size of your pupils, topography and thickness of your cornea will be assessed. Most importantly, you will be encouraged to ask questions and voice concerns. All aspects of the procedure will be carefully explained. You will be offered candid and detailed information, for any question you may have. You can rest assured that you will be given a professional and realistic opinion of the results you can expect.

When scheduling an appointment for an eye exam, please consider the following:

- Contact lenses must be removed from the operative eye prior to the day of your eye exam as follows: Hard lenses (gas permeable rigid lenses) and soft lenses at least two weeks.

- Because of the dilating drops, you will need to arrange transportation for the day of your eye exam. Private automobile or taxi is recommended.

- You should allow yourself approximately two hours at the Laser Vision Center for preparation time and eye exam.

- The fees for the eye exam will be credited towards the surgery fee. Fees are payable either in cash or by the Maestro debit card at our Center.

- The preoperative exam, the procedure and the postoperative exam can be scheduled on three consecutive days. This will enable you to return to your home or work quickly and avoids multiple journeys to our center.

Presbyopia - Your option: Monovision-LASIK or Monovision-SMILE

As we get older, the lens of the eye becomes less flexible, eventually making it impossible focusing for near vision (Presbyopia). Unfortunately, corneal laser surgery can only correct distance vision. It cannot be used to treat people who need glasses only for reading. In fact, patients over the age of 40 may find that their reading vision becomes slightly worse after the procedure. On the other hand, patients under the age of 40 should be prepared to accept reading glasses at a later stage.

A common technique, so-called Monovision provides better reading vision without compromising much of distance vision. Under this technique, one eye will be left slightly under corrected (myopic) during the procedure. This minimal amount of myopia supports your reading vision later on. Ask your eye doctor, if you want to learn more about Monovision.

The monovision LASIK or SMILE procedure is exactly the same as the "normal" surgery. Only the goal of the surgery is different. However, perfect distance correction of both eyes is useful for younger patients and "frequent drivers".

During the preliminary examination, the various options will be tested with you using sample glasses. Occasionally the vision is still unusual, this can last also after the OP some days. After a certain time, however, the brain usually adjusts to the difference in the perception of the two eyes.

The monovision correction option is not only useful for LASIK or SMILE, but also for so-called lens replacement (RLE) or implantable contact lenses (Visian ICL). An other option if you wish to be independent of glasses in everyday life are multifocal lenses (RLE), which are designed for vision at multiple distances.

Advantages of Monovision:

- Everyday life without glasses for distance and near.
- Mobile phone, menu, price tags without glasses visible.

Disadvantages of Monovision:

- Slightly worse visual acuity in the distance.
- When reading very small fonts reading glasses are helpful
- Visual deterioration possible, e.g. in twilight, driving at night, or for tasks that require very sharp vision or a pronounced depth of focus.

Top Laser Experience Who is a good candidate Preexamination Presbyopia

Laser Clinic

Partensteiner Str. 6
97816 Lohr am Main
0 93 52/ 60 214 20

Domstr. 1
97070 Würzburg
09 31/ 32 930 930

Ophthalmic practices

Partensteiner Str. 6
97816 Lohr am Main
0 93 52/ 60 214 10

Domstr. 1
97070 Würzburg
09 31/ 32 930 939

Luitpoldstr. 31
97828 Marktheidenfeld
0 93 52/ 60 214 10

Gemündener Str. 15-17
97753 Karlstadt
0 93 52/ 60 214 10

Berliner Str. 21a
97762 Hammelburg
0 97 32 - 43 31

Surgical centers

Partensteiner Str. 6
97816 Lohr am Main
0 93 52/ 60 214 12

Domstr. 1
97070 Würzburg
09 31/ 32 930 939

Regional partial professional association
Hauptstr. 21
63897 Miltenberg
0 93 52 / 60 214 12

Regional partial professional association
Dr.-Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 37
74722 Buchen
0 93 52/ 60 214 12